The Columbian Year and the Meaning of the Four Centuries


Not only does Rome know it, but she is already making use of it to restore her power in Europe and over all mankind. While these things were being done here by professed Protestants, Rome was closely watching all the time. And in a letter from the Vatican to the New York Sun, July 11,1892, by an official correspondent, she announced her program and her purpose concerning the United States, in the following startlingly significant words. The letter is entitled, “The Papacy and Nationality; Pope Leo and the United States:”— CYMFC 31.3

“In his [Pope Leo’s] view, the United States has reached the period when it becomes necessary to bring about the fusion of all the heterogeneous elements in one homogeneous and indissoluble nation.... It is for this reason that the pope wants the Catholics to prove themselves the most en-lightened and most devoted workers for national unity and political assimilation.... America feels the need of this work of internal fusion.... What the Church has done in the past for others, she will do for the United States.... That is the reason the Holy See encourages the American clergy to guard jealously the solidarity, and to labor for the fusion of all the foreign and heterogeneous elements into one vast national family.... CYMFC 32.1

“Finally, Leo XIII desires to see strength in that unity. Like all intuitive souls, he hails in the united American States and in their young and flourishing Church, the source of new life for Europeans. He wants America to be powerful, in order that Europe may regain strength from borrowing a rejuvenated type. Europe is closely watching the United States.... Henceforth we [Europeans] will need authors who will place themselves on this ground: ‘What can we borrow and what ought we to borrow from the United States for our social, political, and ecclesiastical re-organization? The answer depends in a great measure upon the development of American destinies. If the United States succeed in solving the many problems that puzzle us, Europe will follow their example, and this outpouring of light will mark a date in the history not only of the United States, BUT OF ALL HUMANITY.... CYMFC 32.2

“That is why the holy father, anxious for peace and strength, collaborates with passion in the work of consolidation and development in American affairs. According to him, the Church ought to be the chosen crucible for the moulding and absorption of races into one united family. And that, especially, is the reason why he labors at the codification of ecclesiastical affairs, in order that this distant member of Christianity may infuse new blood into the old organism.” CYMFC 32.3

With sorrow Rome has seen all the nations steadily drawn away from her by the bright example of the separation of Church and State and complete religious liberty in the United States government, assured in the national Constitution, the supreme law, and the fundamental principles of the nation. Seeing this, she knew that if she would recover her loss, and regain her influence over the nations, she must draw this nation into her toils. If she could succeed in this, and get the divine principle of this nation subverted and its influence reversed, she knew that the influence of this nation would be as strong to draw the nations back to her as it had been to draw them away from her. And so it has been with the most greedy satisfaction that she has seen the professed Protestant churches in the United States, steadily playing into her hands by their amazing blindness in calling for the legal recognition of religion and the legal enforcement of religious observances. And when at last she saw “the Christian religion” legally recognized, and this nation plainly declared to be “a Christian nation” by the unanimous decision of the Supreme Court, and supported in argument by that court, by the citation of Catholic documents; and when she saw the professed Protestant churches joining hands with herself, and by threats requiring Congress to recognize and fix in the national legislation her own chief, sacred day, the very sign of her authority—when she saw all this, and knew that it gave her her longed-for opportunity and advantage, she instantly grasped it with all her might; at once publicly announced to the people of the United States and the world her scheme and her purpose for the United States and for the world; and followed this up immediately by sending over Archbishop Satolli and establishing him here as “permanent apostolic delegate”—his personal representative—to carry out by his immediate and active presence, the scheme and purpose of Leo XIII as announced. CYMFC 32.4

And this is exactly what Satolli is here for. It has been so announced in print, more than once, since he came over. And there is not the least doubt that “what the Church has done for other nations in the past she will now do for the United States.” She has been the continuous curse and the final ruin of nations in the past. And she will be that now to the United States, and to the other nations, by the restoration of her power which she gains through the subversion of the divine principle of the government of the United States. And the chief hand in it all will have been that of the apostate Prstestants [sic.] of the United States, who have sold this nation into Rome’s ruinous hands. CYMFC 33.1

Irreparable ruin will be the sure result. This we know, not only from the history and nature of things, but also because God has announced it. When her purpose of gathering back the nations and the kingdoms into illicit connection with herself is accomplished, she glorifies herself and lives deliciously, and the kings of the earth commit fornication and live deliciously with her; and she exultantly “saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine, and she shall be utterly burned with fire; for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.” Revelation 18:7-9. CYMFC 34.1